Sunday 25 November 2012

Samson's Most Outrageous Moments

This is my dog Samson and he has earned himself quite a reputation of being an enormous, hilarious, crazy & clumsy dog.  Although he is huge, slobbery, excitable and persistent with his requests to fetch, he is also loveable, sensitive, affectionate and in my experience most people cannot resist his charm.

Here is a list of some of his most outrageous moments:

1. The time he ate 30 pieces of 1 inch gravel and then proceeded to puke and poop them all out over the following 2-3 days.

2. He ran a 1/2 marathon in 1 hour and 53 minutes! At the senior age of eight and a half.
Bare Bones Dog Jog - October 2010

3. When he was a young dog he chewed a hole in our BBQ propane hose.

4. After putting a hole in our wall with his head fetch became an "outside-only" game.

5. In the summer of 2003 we took the dogs to Washington state and let them swim in the ocean near Port Angeles. Samson must have drank too much sea water because on the trip back to the campground he threw up all over himself and Ashley in their crate :(

6. While trying to fetch a stick at St. Mary Reservoir,  he didn't see a 2 foot cliff, ran off the cliff and landed face first on a rock, knocking out two of his front teeth.
This picture was taken after he fell off the cliff before the two teeth completely fell out

7. He ate a pound of butter off the counter before we could get it from him.

8. When he was a puppy he ate an electrical cord that was plugged into the outlet.

9. Somehow (we have no idea how) he ripped off an entire claw.

10. He once played a game of fetch so intensely that he friction burned the skin off all 4 of his paws (OUCH!). He was in so much pain he wouldn't eat or go outside to the bathroom for days.

11. He once ate a corn cob and then threw it up 5 weeks later.

12. One Halloween I came home to find that he had eaten all of the candy, except for the Snickers. He apparently doesn't like Snickers. But then again who does?

13. On the way to Banff this September (2012) we arrived at the Tunnel Mountain campground to find that he had pooped in the back of the truck and he and Ashley were both covered in it!

14. In the summer of 2002, when he was 5 months old, we took a road trip to Fairmont for the weekend. Scott's driving must have made him car sick because he threw up in the backseat of our car, and right on top of Ashley's head. Ashley was mortified, Scott was furious and Samson felt terrible (poor guy). We didn't even have any towels to clean up the mess and had to use a blanket. Our car smelled like puke the whole rest of the trip.

Although he is far from perfect, our family just wouldn't be the same without him. He loves life, lives for the moment, isn't afraid to get dirty and takes as much enjoyment in the small pleasures as he can. Most importantly, he's my boy.


  1. he's a great dog. had to laugh at the stories.

    he is a young 8 and 1/2 ;-)

    1. Hi Mel That race was 2 years ago, he is now 10 and a 1/2 years young! But you wouldn't know it to meet him and Ashley is 12 if you can believe it :)
