Tuesday 27 November 2012

More Outrageous Dog Moments : Ashley Edition (plus more Samson)

I wanted to write a follow-up to my recent post titled "Samson's Most Outrageous Moments" with more hilarious dog moments featuring some of Ashley's crazy stories. It didn't seem fair to feature Samson but not my other dog Ashley. If you've met Ashley you know that because she is so sweet, her outrageous moments don't seem quite as funny as Samson's. It's because people tend to feel genuinely bad for her if something crazy happens. She is just a really nice dog and now that she is old and gentle people sometimes forget that in her early days she had earned herself quite a reputation as well.

So here they are - Ashley's most outrageous moments (plus a few more of Samson):

1. When Ashley was a puppy she would run around like a crazy dog so fast that no one could catch her earning the nickname "Smashley".

 "Smashley" the crazy puppy!

2. Ashley learned how to climb a 6 foot fence and escaped our yard one summer afternoon. Scott got a phone call from the neighbour to say that there was a black dog with a red collar running around. It turns out that she climbed the fence (probably to escape Samson being a pest), found some girls who were walking their shih tzus and followed them home. The girls said that Ashley was perfectly behaved and when Scott came to pick her up she was playing in the yard with the shih tzus.

3. Samson has apparently interpreted the game of water fetch to mean "take the object to the shore" not "take the object and give it to the person who threw it" because while we were floating on the lake last summer Samson (who was swimming along beside us) grabbed the rope that was tied to our boat and would not let go of it until he pulled us to the shore. It didn't matter what Scott tried Samson was NOT letting go of that rope.

4. Samson almost broke my nose a few years ago. I was petting him and he sneezed hitting his rock hard skull squarely on my nose. Thank goodness my nose wasn't broken, but it sure did bleed a lot. Sam's head seemed fine.

5. Then there was the time that "Smashley" jumped up unexpectedly and chipped our friend Jenessa's tooth. Yes she chipped Jenessa's front tooth. Luckily Jenessa said she wasn't mad and had dental insurance to fix the tooth (that's what she told us at least --- sorry Jenessa).

6. When Ashley was an "only dog" (before we got Samson) we were packing our pick-up truck to go camping. She was waiting for us in the cab of the truck and stepped on the button locking herself in! It was a good thing we managed to find a spare set of keys because I have no idea how we would have gotten her out of there otherwise!

My beautiful girl about a year before Samson arrived

7. Also "pre-Samson", we were taking Ashley to Popson park for a swim in the river. At the time Scott insisted that all dogs must ride in the back of the truck, something that always made me uncomfortable. As we were driving down the gravel road she jumped out of the truck (while the truck was moving)! Scott slammed on the brakes and I ran out to see her get up from her tumble with blood pouring out of her mouth. When I caught her I saw that she had split her lip open right down the chin. She needed a bunch of stitches and we never argued about whether our dogs would ride freely in the back of the truck again (well they do ride in the back but with a locked topper to keep them inside).

Meeting her brother Samson for the first time

8. At my parent's house one summer we were all sitting in the hot tub in the backyard when Ashley got concerned and jumped in the hot tub with us! I don't think she realized it was full of hot water.

9. Last summer Samson and Scott collided heads and Sam's skull split open Scott's eyebrow almost to the bone. He got it glued and taped instead of stitches, but I still think he should have gotten stitches.

10. There was the time Samson singed his tail in the campfire (that's my boy). He probably did that more than once actually.

11. On Ashley's first Christmas (she was 4 months old) we went to my parents house for the holidays and Ashley drank the entire refillable water dish (probably about 2-3 litres of water). Her belly bloated and she peed on my foot.

Ashley's first Christmas (and our first Christmas as Mr. and Mrs.)

12. On one of our summer weekends in Fairmont when Ashley was a puppy, we were walking her on leash and she somehow managed to get loose from her harness. She ran around the pool area like a crazy dog while people in their swimming suits were chasing her trying to catch her for us.

Earning her other  nickname "Boozer" - she loved Ladell and he loved her
(for the readers who don't know Ladell, he passed away suddenly in Februrary 2011)

While some of these events were really stressful at the time, they have turned into some of my favourite memories. Even though my dogs are getting old now and they sleep most of the day, they still do silly things from time to time and it always makes me smile. This afternoon I found out that Ashley will need surgery on Thursday to remove a tumor from her foot and possibly amputate at least one toe. That makes me sad and afraid. As a "dog mom" I've put a lot of effort into making sure my dogs were always taken care of, safe and loved. But I can't protect them forever and one day there will be nothing I can do for them but help ease their pain and thank them for being my friends. I really hope that day isn't soon and we will be able share many more outrageously crazy moments together.

October 2012 - we ran the 9km Bare Bones Run as a family

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jill,
    This was a beautiful post brought tears to my eyes. As a RAHT I have had to deal with animals getting old and the other thing I will not mention on a daily basis. I have had to deal with it with two of my own dogs and cat who I lost this year at ripe old ages. But you know what, doing a post like this is the key. Focusing on the memories and how valuable they are and loving them to death as you and Scott do. No one could love those dogs more than you two do. You have many more years with them both. Ashley will be fine post exam and has many more good years in her! She was gorgeous and still is and Samson is so handsome. You are lucky to have such beautiful babies and they are blessed to have you both.
