Wednesday 22 February 2012

Things I learned while traveling

  1. How to use a squat toilet. This is an extremely valuable skill and something everyone should know how to do.
  2. We need to take care of the environment. We only have one planet and we all have to share.
  3. Always check entry requirements for each country you are visiting or you may end up spending 22 hours in the Delhi airport on a connection. 
  4. If you think you have contracted a parasite called giardia, do not go to work on Monday and google “Beaver Fever”.
  5. In Ecuador to order water with carbonation you say “agua con gas” but in Mexico that means “water with farts”.
  6. When you don’t shower for over a week people might compliment you on how shiny your hair is.
  7. French people really are rude. But, when shopping at a market in Nice, marching up to the french lady selling crafts and telling her you think she was rude to your husband probably will not improve the situation.
  8. When traveling in poor countries your empty backpack could be worth more than what an entire family makes in a whole year. And yet they are usually happier and more generous than we are.
  9. If you want an authentic travel experience, don’t spend it with a bunch of other Canadians (or Americans) at an all-inclusive. In fact don’t book an all-inclusive ever. And don’t get me started on cruise ships.
  10. If we had never travelled, we probably could have paid off our mortgage by now, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Except maybe I’d travel more.

A squat toilet in the Himalayas

Garbage that washed up on the beach of Little Corn Island, a remote caribbean island off the coast of Nicaragua.


  1. I don't know how to make my own blog, so I'm going to piggy back on yours.
    Things I have learned while traveling.
    1 - Asian woment think I'm handsome.
    2 - Traveling with teenagers and seniors are pretty much the same, other than the teenager is proud when he passes gas and stinks the place up, senior are just happy they didn't crap their pants.
    3 - No matter how weird you are, someone will always out weird you.
    4 - Sometimes not knowing what you are eating is a good thing, sometimes it is not.
    5 - Canadian airlines don't seem to get the load from back to front of the plane concept.
    6 - In Russia a Taxi Cab can pass a big truck while meeting an on coming big truck. The cab will fit between the two.
    7 - Some people should be eaten by the wildlife.
    8 - On bus tours old ladies will take you out for the front seat on the bus.
    9 - Sitting on the street begging for money isn't all that easy.
    10 - You don't need to travel far to learn about yourself and others, but never leaving home will stunt your growth.

    1. Kevin: It's not just Canadian airlines that don't seem to get the concept of loading a plane from back to front. And it's easy to make a blog. I just learned how yesterday!

  2. great list Jill. I look forward to seeing where your next adventure takes you. They seem to be all wonderful.
